Tuesday, February 21, 2012

25 Ways...

So far, 2012 has been a year of lists...to do lists, shopping lists, grocery lists, things I am thankful for lists, prayer lists... For this reason, the best way I can think to commemorate 25 is with...A LIST!  And not just any list, the "25-Ways-To-Spend-My-25th-Year" List! I'm sharing it with y'all, I'm making it public, so that you can hold me (and my husband, he came up with a few of these) accountable...Here goes...


  1. Lose 25 pounds
  2. Make 25 new friends
  3. Memorize 25 scriptures
  4. Spend at least 25 minutes each day in prayer
  5. Save $25 a week (already behind on this one)
  6. Read my Bible at least 25 minutes each day
  7. Try 25 new recipes
  8. Tell 25 people about Jesus
  9.  Visit 25 new towns or cities
  10. Create 25 new projects, crafts, or tutorials
  11. Eat at 25 new restaurants
  12. Buy 25 new pair of shoes (this one was the hubby's idea, he's good, huh?!
  13. Walk or Dance or Exercise 25 minutes a day
  14. Log 25 miles on the kayak (also the hubby's idea)
  15. Send at least 25 cards
  16. Bake/Cook and take out 25 meals to others
  17. Make 25 pints of apple butter
  18. Make 25 people smile
  19. Read 25 books
  20. Learn (& retain) 25 new words
  21. Donate at least 25 pieces of clothing
  22. Try 25 new hairstyles
  23. Make 25 spontaneous decisions
  24. Discover 25 new flea markets, shops, etc
  25. Visit the coast 25 times 
Here's my first new hairstyle, that's right, I'm rocking the bangs!!
...1 down 24 to go!

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