Wednesday, August 11, 2010

...Long time no write, or craft, or paint, or much of anything for that matter...oh, but a whole lotta grace

Time just slips by doesn't it? One day you're blogging, keeping the world posted on the ins and outs of your simple little life and next thing ya know, a month has gone by and not one time have you stopped to fill the world in. And I am without a doubt certain that the world just cannot go on without me filling it in...I can just picture ya'll while you read this, eyes wide-eyed and glazed over from spending day in and day out waiting for my next entry, anticipating the latest occurance in my life. The world hasn't showered, nor moved from its couch, which is now permanently indented from the lack of breathe-ability, the lack of opportunity to slowly rise back to its original shape and form. Ha...I can see it now! Of course, all of this would only be true "if"...IF the world revolved around me, and praise God it doesn't!... Ya'll, I have such a simple little life. I am sure it would, or does for those of you who follow my blog, bore you to pieces! Not me, though. There is nothing better than the simplicity of it all. The time spent just basking in the goodness of God, taking in all His blessings, soaking up all that grace. Grace...I've needed a whole lotta that lately. Daily reminders to not just accept it but to extend it to others. That, I think, is what is so cool about God, those sometimes subtle hints where He kinda nudges you in the arm and says, "Pssst...what about grace?..." And you know you just wanna blow it off because, well, "Did you just see what he said to me? God, didn't you see what she did?"...and again, that soft, subtle nudge, "But, what about grace?" The kinda grace that we see in our Father, the kinda grace He extended as His arms were outstretched, His head pierced with thorns. Now that's grace. And He gave it freely, with the knowledge of our transgressions, as we hammered in the nails. I don't know about you, but it gets the bone, to the very core of my being. How in this world can I not give what has been showered over me?...Showered doesn't even begin to explain the out-pouring of grace that I have received from the Father, time and time again. So, here I am, simple life and all, and here's my desire...I wanna pour it out, ya'll...I wanna let it flow out of me while it is flooding over me. I wanna spemd the rest of my life trying to give out more than I've received...grace.


  1. this is beautiful in the most worth and lasting way...and by the way...why is this the first time i have read your secret blogger you...i love you and the pics and the are wonderful....

  2. This is absolutely beautiful, Nicole. It's right on track with what I've been learning at Harvest and what I've been trying to live out in my own life. If we would just create a culture of GRACE (the God kind), MIRACLES would happen and lives would be CHANGED!

