Monday, November 7, 2011

Resting in Him

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Phillipians 4:6

This verse really eased my tired soul this morning. There are plenty of things in this world to be anxious about and, to be completely honest, I could find more things to be anxious about than not. But, when it comes to trials, struggles, and everyday hurdles, when it comes to life, and all the things Satan may try to place in front of me, causing that anxiety to creep up and blur my spiritual vision...all I need to know is this...

God IS enough!
He is enough. He was yesterday, He is right now, and He will be tomorrow.

I know this, but sometimes I just need the reminder. And today, I think I'll rest in this.

Today, I will not be anxious about anything, nothing at all, but I will pray and present my request to my Heavenly Father, I'll tell him what I need and how I feel, and then, I'll thank Him. I'll thank Him for hearing me, for listening, for sending me Jesus, the Mediator, my High Priest. I'll thank Him because I can boldy approach His throne and He will find me worthy, not for anything I have done or can ever do, but because Jesus was enough...because He is enough!

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