A dear and precious sister in Christ is going through an extremely difficult time now, her husband has had a discouraging diagnosis, yet her, and her family's, faith have been strengthened and she has become a testimony to so many. In reading through her online journal as they go through this trying time, she has spoken many words of wisdom, encouraged others to stand firm and keep the faith, and constantly reminds those reading that God is GOOD and God is faithful... our circumstances may change but our God, He does not.
The reason I am telling you all of this is because of one thing she has mentioned several times, something that she has been doing for a few months now, even before her and her family's life took a challenging turn. She has been challenged to read through the book of Psalms, one chapter, one day at a time, and rewrite it in her own words...like her own personal prayer of Psalms to God. I like that! I LOVE THAT! I would like to say that I spend an adequate amount of time each day reading His Word and drawing closer to Him, but so many times I allow life to get in my way. I'm running behind, or the laundry and dishes are piling up, or some other lame excuse seems to find itself in front of me.
I wanna do this and y'all help to keep me accountable. I thought what better way to stick with this than to include all my friends out there in the blogosphere. So, for the next 150 days, I'd like to challenge you to come along side of me and participate in the Praying through the Psalms challenge.
Each day for the next 150 days, I plan to re-write a chapter of the Psalms in my own words. I encourage you to write and pray as well. Include some of your prayers in the comments. Life does and will get in the way, so when that happens, don't let that stop you from continuing this with me! Pick up where you left off and carry on!! Sally forth!!
My prayer is that God will use the next 5 months to show us great and mighty things, that He will reveal Himself in ways we never thought possible, that He will shine a light into the dark corners of our lives, illuminating areas that need to be dealt with and renewed. I pray He will refresh and refine us, drawing us to a closer, deeper, and stronger relationship with Him.
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