Thursday, July 4, 2013

...Corn Shucking Made Easy...

Ok so we've all heard the silly little riddle about Mr. WoodChuck, right?

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Well, let's be adults about this and take it up a notch... let's use Mr. WoodChuck's riddle logically, and we will start by introducing Mr. WoodChuck's distant southern cousin, Miss CornShuck.  Are you following me yet?...let's see, it should go something like this..

How much corn would Miss CornShuck shuck if Miss CornShuck could shuck corn?

If my dear friend Tabby were reading this, she'd probably gently slap me on the shoulder and say, "I'm sorry, I'm just not following you."  

Let's rephrase it again...How much corn would Miss CornShuck shuck if Miss CornShuck had time to shuck corn? 

Is that better?  Let me see if I can explain a little more clearly.


I mean, I love corn, sweet, sun-ripened, rain-watered silver queen corn... but who has time to sit around and pull off all the husks, stripping them off to reveal those tiny, sweet kernels, then pull off each and every string, brushing them with a corn brush {or a tooth brush if you're from my neck of the woods}, and then pulling out the air hose to spray off any of those tiny strings that are still hanging on.  That's a lot of work for 4 or 5 ears of corn, let alone 4 or 5 dozen!  

I must admit that some of my fondest memories include picking corn with Mrs. Irene in her garden and watching Papa George brush and blow off all the husks and strings, then letting me run those clean ears into the kitchen where we'd put them in big ole pots of water to boil on the stove...

But as an adult, with a 9 to 5 job, scrambling to get home and have supper on the table by 7ish, I just don't have the time for all that!... or as Sweet Brown would say, "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

I'll forever remember all the hard work that the older generation put into shucking their corn to serve it up on the table from July well into February and March, until they were to plant again, but I need a quicker, easier way to enjoy fresh corn....and I have found it...AND I'm gonna share it with you in the case that you haven't already been informed.

It's through the use of this modern piece of technology called the microwave!

Above, you see the handy little step by step instructions for corn shucking made easy.

1.  Cut off the ends of the corn, leaving husks on the cob.

2.  For every ear of corn, you need to cook it 3 minutes in the microwave.  { I typically do 2 at a time for 6 minutes}

3.  Take the corn out of the microwave and let cool for a few minutes.  You can run each ear under cold tap water to help with cooling.

4.  Peel off the husks and the strings should come off with them.  You may have to pick off a few string here and there but for the most part, your ears of corn will be clean as a whistle, and ready to eat!

Add a little butter, salt, and pepper and you're ready to dig in!

So here's the modified answer to Miss CornShucks riddle...

If Miss CornShuck had a microwave and 6 minutes, she could  not only shuck 2 ears of corn, but she could have them cooked and ready to eat.

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  1. I love cooking corn in the microwave but have always shucked and peeled the strings, wrapped in plastic wrap and cooked - I had no idea you could cook it in the husks! Now I can get rid of the yucky plastic wrap and cook the corn in the wrappers God intended them to be in : ) Thanks for the tip!

  2. You are so welcome! I learned this trick about 3 years ago and it has changed my life when it comes to cooking corn and putting it up for the winter. I knew someone else would find it useful!

  3. What a fabulous trick to learn. Thanks so much for sharing. This will make it so much easier. Thanks also for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

