Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rest and Mercy

Lately, I've been a little weary...with the mundane, with the everyday, with the late nights and early mornings, with the 9 to 5's.  I just need a little rest.  Yeah, physical rest would be fantastic,  maybe 48 hours of straight sleep...but I don't believe that would do the trick. No, sometimes, I grow spiritually weary, and the only thing that will satisfy is a dose of the Holy Spirit and a re-fill in the Word. 

I was craving a little of that rest that is mentioned over in chapter 4 in the book of Hebrews, hoping to meditate on it a while, praying it would resonate in my spirit and my marrow.  I have this neat app on my IPhone that allows my phone to read to me, so while getting ready yesterday morning, I went to Hebrews and hit play.  Somehow {enter God}, I ended up in 1 Peter, and I believe I needed to be there.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of His own, so that you may proclaim the virtues of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.  You once were not a people, but now you are God's people.  You were shown no mercy, but now you have received mercy."

That's one of God's traits that I love, His ability to say just what I need to hear, exactly when I need to hear it, and usually when I'm not expecting or looking for it.  

A reminder of who He is and of who I am, in Him.

 That life isn't about the 9 to 5.  It's not meant to be mundane.  Sometimes, the evil one tries to pull us back into that "darkness," that lie that says "this is all there is."  But He called me out of that pit and into His marvelous light.  In that light, there is no darkness.  And if I am called into this light, then there remains no darkness in me.

I was gawking at the sunset this evening.  I considered it to be a "marvelous light" but it dulls in comparison to the light that is in Christ.   Can you imagine?  

And for some reason, when I think of or see a sunrise or sunset, God reminds me of His mercy... that it's new every morning.  "You were shown no mercy, but now you have received mercy." 



I am born and raised southern baptist but when I read verses like that, it makes me wanna shout and break out into the most soulful of gospel renditions of "Oh, happy day....Oh, happy day!!!"  

So I think I will park in 1 and 2 Peter for a while, allowing the Lord to fill me back up, to bind my wounds inflicted by daily living, and resting in the only One who is able to give true rest to my tired and weary spirit.

I am praying that I will grasp tightly to the truth that I am His, that He has called me into His marvelous light, and that His mercies are new every morning.  And I will be praying that for you, too!

Great is His Faithfulness, dear one!

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