Wednesday, July 3, 2013

...How Does Your Garden Grow...

My word, just where does the time go?

I have so many fun projects to show you and neat stories to share and a whole lot of catching up to do.  It seems each time I have sat down in front of the computer words have come.

Only sighs, and groans, and "maybe tomorrows"...  

Since when did life become so busy?  And the days just zoom by... I mean "'NEWSFLASH" 
...IT IS JULY!...

How?  I mean, I was just taking the tree down and cutting out paper hearts and decorating for spring and....and we've been in the new house for 8 months now! how the time does fly!

Like I said, I have so very much to catch y'all up on like weddings I organized and I am currently planning, an awesome yard sale, LOTS of diy projects, a new diet, healthy recipes, garden planting, growing, and now harvesting, ETSY sales, {which are going wonderfully by the way} and so much more!

I guess we can start with the garden.  

Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE the south?  Well I do! It is in my bones, my heart, and my soul... and one of the reasons is hot summertimes, sunshine, bare feet, and gardens!  If you've never had a garden, you are missing out... There's nothing like seeing the Lord take a seed, covered up with some dirt {or compost}, sprinkled with a little water, and showered with some southern sun and bringing forth vegetation...that is edible!  It is amazing!

This was my island this afternoon!

Now all of this didn't come from our garden... we have a small raised bed that doesn't allow for all that I would like to grow, but we have great friends and neighbors who love to share of their bounty!

Needless to say, the majority of my evening was spent blanching and freezing squash, putting up corn, cooking green beans, and frying eggplants.  I know that I said this about 6 months ago, and I am almost certain I will repeat it in another 5, but this is the most wonderful time of the year!  

Isn't this fantastic?!  I mean dinner tonight consisted of silver queen corn, salted ,peppered, buttered, and cut from the cob, green beans, and cornmeal fried squash and eggplant... costing me a whopping $1.00!  Take that grocery budget!

Hopefully we will have some tomatoes soon!  The vines are chocked full but they're still green...

Happy Summer!

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